LINGUIST 196: Intro to Research for Undergrads

Instructor Masoud Jasbi Details 1 Unit Fridays, 11:30am-12:20pm
Office Hours: By appointment via email. 160-123 (Wallenberg Hall)


Week Month Date Topic Guest Speakers Readings and Assignments
1 September 29 Introduction to (Stanford) Linguistics
2 October 6 Historical Linguistics, Phonology, Morphology Paul Kiparsky Read the linguistics undergrad website carefully. Learn about how to declare, some program scnearios, our research internships and honors program. Bring your questions to the class.
3 13 Overview of Post-graduate Opportunities Lelia Glass
4 20 Computational Linguistics Daniel Jurafsky, Matt Lamm
5 27 Semantics and Pragmatics Christopher Potts
6 November 3 Lexcial Semantics Beth Levin, Cleo Condoravdi Assignment 1
7 10 Computational Linguistics Martin Kay, Sebastian Schuster
8 17 Sociolinguistics Penny Eckert, Rob Podesva Assignment 2
9 December 1 Syntax Boris Harizanov
10 8 Language Acquisition, Psycholinguistics Eve Clark, Judith Degen Assignment 3


This course introduces students to the Stanford linguistics department, the subfields of linguistics represented in the department, the ongoing research by the faculty, as well as ways that undergraduates can get involved in linguisic research.
Attendance 30% Attendence and engagement with the class presentations and materials is crucial. 4% is deducted from the final grade for each absence. Please let me know if your absence is due to exceptional circumstances or varsity athletics. Read the Stanford Attendance and Absences Policy.
Assignment 1 15% In about half a page (~250 words), answer the following questions: 1. What is a question you would like to find an answer to? 2. What are the potential answers? 3. How do you plan to find out which is the likely correct answer?
Assignment 2 20% Find a paper (preferably review paper) that has preivously investigated your research question in assignment 1. Write a (maximum) one page summary for that paper. Include a paragraph on what you believe the paper misses or the research area misses and how your research is going to fill that gap.
Assignment 3 35% Write a 1-page (~500 words) research proposal on your research question in Assignment 1. Include your research question, your hypotheses, a small review of some previous research (assignment 2), and the methods you plan to use to find your answer.
Unit and Credit Criteria You need to take the course for 1 unit. Since the only option available is credit/no-credit, you will pass the course (receive S) if you score 50% and higher.
Late Assignments All assignments are due on the assigned day before the start of the class. You should submit them via Canvas. Late assignments are only accepted in exceptional circumstances.
Honor Code We follow Stanford University's Honor Code. You are encouraged to work together and discuss all assignments. However, all assignments must be written up and submitted as the student's own original work.
Students with Documented Disabilities Students who may need an academic accommodation based on the impact of a disability must initiate the request with the Office of Accessible Education (OAE). Professional staff will evaluate the request with required documentation, recommend reasonable accommodations, and prepare an Accommodation Letter for faculty dated in the current quarter in which the request is being made. Students should contact the OAE as soon as possible since timely notice is needed to coordinate accommodations. The OAE is located at 563 Salvatierra Walk (phone: 723-1066).